Aug 11, 2011

Proton Persona R (P3-21A) spied at Proton Test Track

Possibly this is a gimmick, but the information is precious nevertheless. Apparently during the Saga FLX test drive at Proton test track, there was a P3-21a prototype caged somewhere nearby, close enough to be photographed by the participating journalist. The car could be the one of the early prototype, but some of the camo has been shed.
The car did shed some of the tape around the grille. The design of grill passing a resemblance to the spied photos many months back, where there is chrome garnish bar at the top of the grill and a protruding emblem at the centre. However, this grill looks scarily conventional and outright ugly. Let's really hope the final item is way better executed.
The camouflaged at the door line, near the C-pillar was absent too. This conform the depression seen on the BIW is just for cosmetic, where the door like actually more inwards. I am quite to see how the rear end design is executed, as P3-21a looks to have a modern proportion like all small sedan this days, where cab forward design put the A-pillar at the extreme front, while the pushed C-pillar results in stubby notch. Hopefully the rear end will be Forte-like handsome with none of awkward tall-boy narrow body defective looking.

More of original photos after the jump.
Still using a fake rear combi, view from this angle is reminiscent of Proton Gen2 short tail

Small wheel will make this car under-tyred, as rear flank stands tall

Nice and modern proportion with maximum cabin length
Pictures are from CBT.

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